If you have asthma, you may feel like you have a complicated relationship with exercise. You want to stay active but you also want to reduce your chance of an asthma attack whenever you can. Finding a supportive balance between the two is possible and actually easier than you think. Exercise is important for all people, but is especially important if you struggle with asthma. Consistent exercise can actually support better lung function and help reduce the severity of your symptoms. Read on →

Urgent medical care is a necessity of life sometimes. We understand that accidents and illnesses don’t just happen only when doctor’s offices are open. At AFC Urgent Care Indian Trail, we aim to be your No. 1 choice when deciding where to be seen for your illness or issue. Our team is highly knowledgeable and passionate about patient care, and we strive to make sure your experience is as convenient as it can be. Read on →

Need medical care but aren’t sure who you can trust to provide it? That’s a common concern for many, but it shouldn’t be. You can trust our AFC Urgent Care Indian Trail team. We are passionate about providing quality care to our patients, as well as cultivating a healthy environment for our employees and medical providers to work in. Read on to learn more about us! We don’t send people through the hospital system when we can’t meet a need. Read on →

It’s true that many urgent cares are known for their convenience, but not many of them are known for providing quality care at an affordable price and quick pace. Well, look no further—our AFC team can provide all of these things. Read on to learn more about our AFC Urgent Care Indian Trail center! There are many reasons to visit us instead of the ER for non-emergency care. Did you know? Read on →

No, it’s not. Mesenteric adenitis occurs when the lymph nodes in the abdomen become swollen as they try to fight off a viral or bacterial intestinal infection, but only in the rarest of cases would this condition lead to life-threatening symptoms. Read on to learn more about it from our AFC Urgent Care Indian Trail team. What Causes Mesenteric Adenitis? The most common cause is a viral or bacterial infection in the intestines. Read on →

Bug bites happen, and they happen even more commonly in the summer and spring. Bugs like bees and ants actually do a lot of great things for the earth, but they can cause some pain by biting or stinging when the feel threatened. Luckily, most bug bites and stings aren’t really anything to worry too much about, and they usually clear up within a few days. Read on to learn more from our AFC Urgent Care Indian Trail team! Read on →

When you get a kidney stone, it can sometime feel like there’s nothing in the world that will make you feel better. Kidney stones can cause a lot of pain, and it can feel unrelenting at times. However, there are lots of effective treatment options that exist. Read on to learn more from our AFC Urgent Care Indian Trail team! What Is a Kidney Stone? A kidney stone is a hard deposit that forms in the urinary system. Read on →

Do you always get a little nervous before going somewhere to get medical care? If so, we understand. It’s hard to know what to expect when visiting a new doctor or urgent care center. You don’t have to worry when visiting us, though! What we advertise is what you’ll get, which includes quality care at an affordable price and quick pace. Keep reading as our AFC Urgent Care Indian Trail team further explains what we offer below. Read on →

The short answer is yes. While it’s true that bruising is a part of life, there are a few reasons that can make some people more susceptible to bruising than others. Why does this happen, though? Read on as our AFC Urgent Care Indian Trail team shares some helpful answers below! What Is a Bruise? Bruises are a common occurrence. When you bump into something or otherwise suffer skin trauma, tiny blood vessels under the skin may be injured, causing them to pop and blood to pool beneath the surface. Read on →

We all have tummy troubles from time to time, but some stomach and abdominal issues are worse than others. In fact, if you experience certain symptoms, you could be dealing with a type of gastrointestinal (GI) disease. Most GI diseases are highly treatable, and our AFC Urgent Care Indian Trail team shares more helpful info about them below. What Are Gastrointestinal Diseases? Gastrointestinal diseases affect the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, which runs from the mouth to the anus. Read on →